Listening to God’s Spirit

During my husband’s cancer journey we tried every day to do what we felt led to do by God’s Spirit. But how does one listen to God’s Spirit? Former Harvard Business School Professor Clayton Christensen and the foremost authority on disruptive innovation gives us a clue:

“Here on Earth, we speak to each other in physical ways, through vocal cords vibrating. A speaker’s sound waves hit the eardrums, causing them to vibrate, which creates tiny electrical signals that transport those vibrating patterns to the listener’s brain. Then neurons zip around the listener’s brain, distilling the speaker’s concept. Our wonderful ears, then, are converters; they transform mechanical vibrations into electronic signals.

“God’s Spirit, however, can communicate with our spirit directly to our brain (through thoughts) or our heart (feelings). A lot of people get confused because they try to hear God’s voice with their ears. Instead, we need to listen inside of ourselves—to a concept or a sentence that just emerges inside of our head, or as a peaceful, warm feeling inside the heart, as if the Spirit of God gave our spirit a warm hug to say, ‘This is right.’ “

Excerpt from Scott’s Choice Chapter 1 Page 15

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