Hospice: The Top Seven Reasons

My husband, Scott, really appreciated the care he received through hospice, although we were in a different position than most people who are on hospice. A friend, Gary Staples, recently used hospice. On Facebook, he listed his top seven reasons for going on hospice:

1. Hospice is for a terminal illness that is only expected to get worse.

2. You are able to have someone by your side to quickly address your pain and suffering, more than with regular nurses.

3. Hospice gives a CNA to come three times a week to help with showering and any other personal care needs.

4. It’s not very difficult to go off hospice if you so choose and then to go back on. It’s actually quite flexible.

5. If you pass away and you’re not on hospice then you have to do what my sister Jerilyn had to do last December and that was to call the police before the mortician. The police have to do a thorough investigation to make sure the death was natural and there was nothing suspicious.

6. With hospice you also get an awesome team to help not only you, but your family members go through the living/dying process. In addition to the CNA and nurse, you get a social worker and a chaplain—a team can help take the load off of family and answer lots of questions.

7. I believe it also helps everyone around you realize where are you and where things are headed, which prepares people, especially family and friends, instead of them being shocked when you pass.

View hospice nurse Verna: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JndvAdfoqw0

Read more in Scott’s Choice Chapter 37 and ElaineBrewster.org> Podcasts.