Acidity in the Body

Metabolizing is the word for digesting and absorbing our food. The very act of metabolizing creates acidity in the bloodstream. Acidity in the body is not good because the bloodstream must stay at a pH close to 7.40. (Stray far from that number and you die; the bloodstream is a finely tuned instrument).

Some things that cause acidity are: sugar, soda drinks, red meat, white flour, air pollution, negative thoughts and cancer.  (Read more in Scott’s Choice). Why would we purposely create acidity in the body?

The main tool I use to counter acidity is a free-standing water unit by Nikken, the Waterfall. Our bodies are about 70% water, so replenishing water in our bodies daily is a must!! Nikken’s water is filtered, ionized, mineralized, with just the right amount of alkalinity. And did I say how yummy it tastes, as well as inexpensive? (Find it at

See more on >  and Scott’s Choice Chapter 3.