There must be times and seasons for things in our lives. When I was a young girl, I would think up stories fast and furiously. I would grab a notebook and pencil and climb up into our walnut tree and write all these stories. I still have the notebook.

Then when I was a young mother and singing at a lot of concerts and clubs, I would think up new melodies. Melodies came thick and fast, like spring pollen on the wind. Often, I would stop whatever I was doing, run to the piano and write down the melody—the germ of a new song. But they came so easily and constantly that I thought they would happen forever. They didn’t. Now a new melody comes to me only occasionally, and believe me, I stop and write it down!

So now, instead of stories or melodies, I am having these little musings—pithy little thoughts that could be the germ of something. They must be coming for a reason. I am choosing to go with the flow and write them down. There must be some purpose in their emergence. Maybe their purpose is as a catalyst for you to think your own thoughts and create your own projects.

See more about the workings of the mind at> podcasts. Sophia DiMuccio and Michael DiMuccio